Youtube Shorts | Instagram Reels | TikTok | Facebook reels

Bring your brand to life through video!

Elevate your video content

Discover the power of short-form content! 

Video marketing is crucial in today’s digital landscape because it captivates audiences like no other medium. It offers a dynamic and engaging way to convey messages, tell stories, and showcase products or services. Video content is highly shareable, enhances brand visibility, and can significantly boost conversion rates. In a world where attention spans are short, video marketing grabs attention and leaves a lasting impression, making it an indispensable tool for any modern business.

We can help you create high-quality content that will help you build your brand and grow your online following. Whether you’re looking to boost sales, increase engagement, or simply establish a stronger online presence, our short form content services can help you achieve your goals.

Our video services are a great fit for:

Packages We Offer

At our agency, we offer all video content services on a retainer basis. This means you can secure our expertise and creative services through a convenient monthly retainer agreement. Our retainer model ensures a dedicated allocation of resources for your ongoing video needs. With a retainer, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that we’re committed to delivering high-quality, timely video content that aligns with your brand and goals!

8 Short Form Content
Custom Videos


per month plus tax

3 Month Commitment

20 Short Form Content
Custom Videos


per month plus tax

3 Month Commitment

How It Works

We do what we do best


On your scheduled 60-minute video call with our Video Strategist, your custom video titles and concepts will be ideated. 


Content ideas in hand. Now it’s time for us to schedule a day or create a filming schedule to shoot your branded content.


Once your videos are filmed our team will begin editing, and your finished content will be ready for posting!


Yes! Our $500 per month package includes up to 2 hours worth of filming time.

Our $1000 per month package includes up to 4 hours of filming time.

Yes, you can shoot and create your own titles as long as they align with the strategy we discuss during our strategy call. However, if titles are shot outside of strategy, there is no guarantee of engagement.

If you make mistakes in your video, simply let the camera know to “please disregard my last statement” and pause for at least three seconds before continuing. We will work on our end to get rid of any mistakes in the editing process as well. 

Your final edits should be less than 90 seconds for short-form videos. However, your raw video clips may be longer due to dead space and multiple takes.

For short-form video content, we focus on creating evergreen or foundational content that can be used for years to come. Long-form video content allows for more flexibility in using different styles.

Yes, you can change the font styles and colors, but we recommend sticking to the colors we provide as it can affect the audience’s attention span.

You will receive your videos via Google Drive.